Monday, 23 February 2015

About St Petros Apostolic Faith Mission

St Petros Apostolic Faith Mission was founded and established by Bishop T. Monaledi on the 23rd October 2011 in Tembisa following several prophecies from his previous church where he was inaugurated Bishop in the year 2009. The name (Petros) of the church was influenced from the one of Jesus' disciples (Peter) and it is ironically the Bishop's late grandfathers second name. 

Two years after St' Petros Apostolic Faith Mission was established the Bishop was then anointed and inaugurated as Archbishop by Archbishop T. Mokoena of Holy St' Paul Apostolic Church during the Easter Celebration in the year 2013. The church
has faced a number of challenges and it has managed to run the race through continuous fasting and prayers and it sustained till to date, our church is still growing and it is becoming stronger and stronger as the congregation is getting closer and uplifting one another through continuous support, loving one another, sticking together through thick and thin. Our organisation being a spiritual church it has prophets who can read your present, past and future on or per your request their reading also varies from reading you with the Bible, glass of water, by looking at you and some whom have the "traditional calling" use bones. The church has various healers who use different methods to heal the sick, methods used are comfortable and non offensive.
Alot of people through the church have received deliverance, peace, employment, businesses or business growth, marriage and healing. Some came blind and now they can see, some where crippled and now they can walk, some came deaf and can now hear, some where possessed and now they are free from the chains of the evil possession.  

Our objectives at St' Petros Apostolic Faith Mission are to to preach and spread the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as set out in the Holy Scriptures.
To establish congregations in many communities to make disciple of all nations for the benefit of the member of the church; baptizing them in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe the Word of God.
To co-operate with the government of the country in matters pertaining to law and order of the land.
To develop solidarity with other churches, federations, Christian movements nationally and internationally.
To network with other stake holders for improvement and upliftment of the live of communities through self-help and job creation projects and or various community development programs.
To develop a strong Christian movement and to provide the movements with Education and Training.
Rehabilitate drug abuse and former prison convicts.
To strive expression of the leadership of Christ over every aspect and area of human life by promoting the spiritual, social intellectual and physical welfare of the people.
Inaugurate Deacons, Reverends, Ministers, Elders, Bishops and issuing them certificates.
Baptising the believers & healing the sick by laying of hands and giving water to drink.
To foster the unity which is both God’s will for creation and God’s gift to the church
Spiritual initiation and issuing prophecy certificate under the churches name.

Feeding Schemes and vegetable gardens
Provide services to communities to fill gaps that are left by private and public sectors to get closer to people, fighting poverty and unemployment rate.
To co-operate with the government of the country in matters pertaining to law and order of the land.
Rescue of persons in distress
Provision of poverty relief.
Rehabilitate drug abuse and former prison convicts.
The provision of Educare for early childhood development services for pre-school children
Home Based Care HIV / AIDS
Building of trauma counseling clinics and old age home, orphanages, crèche for jobless parents.
Training for unemployed persons with the purpose of enabling them to obtains jobs.
Provision of health care services to poor and needy persons and communities.
To bring change and unity to communities and to develop a crime free generation by giving to the eligible background
School aftercare and assisting children with school assignments, reading, writing and with fluent English speech.
Assisting school children with research, and preparing them for examinations utilizing a curriculum that is fun and creative.
To establish ex drug users ministries and for the underprivileged and to raise funds for the furtherance of this cause.
To support work and to promote and encourage co-operation with similar organisations.
To preach and proclaim the of Word of God and to promote Christianity.
Work in collaboration with other organizations that mainly deals with transformation, developing the impoverished communities and environs.
Apply for grants or funding from public sectors and to outsource it to the eligible by granting bursaries
Woman Empowerment including but not restricting gender equality.

All of the above objectives are being implemented slowly but surely they are beginning to fall into place through the hard work, dedication, prayer of our members and Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Senior Bishop C.Khambule :   083 4843 837 (Directions)
Gogo Tsotetsi                        :   076 3852 155 (Senior Prophetess)
Decon Enock                         :   073 0189 694 (Head of Youth)


At St' Petros Apostolic Faith Mission
We do not charge a sent whatsoever for any healing nor deliverance!!!!